Past Seasons


Aline Solness in

 Century Center Theatre,  NYC

The NY Times“His wife, Aline, as Wendy Barrie-Wilson realizes her, is one of Ibsen's most pitiable victims, reduced to a cypher not only by her husband's manipulations but also by her own unexamined principles of propriety and moral duty.” 

OOBR- “Wendy Barrie-Wilson was impeccable as Mrs. Solness, fusing sorrow and resignation into an incredibly rich mixture of deep emotions. Along with Parlato, Barrie-Wilson's near-perfect performance became the heart of the show.” 

CurtainUp Review -“Wendy Barrie-Wilson provides the play's strongest performance as Aline. She has given this unhappy, dark woman textures that could elicit sympathy from the audience if her fellow performers worked at her level. The rest of the cast is undone by a lack of control or understanding of their characters.”

see web page


Chautauqua Conservatory Theater-

“September 11th Project”.


I wrote a piece about my experience during Sept.11th living by the 
World Trade Center






 with Paul Newman.

at the Booth Theatre, NYC



see web page